Sledding finally

This winter has been quite interesting with the weather. We have worn winter coats and shorts in the same week.  The boys have been dying to play in the snow and I have been hoping for a snow day!!  We all got our wish and lucky us...Bob worked from home that day too!  The boys were dressed and outside in the snow at 8am!
After shoveling the driveway, Nolan was painting the snow all different colors!

Aunt Katie got Landon this super cool mold of a penguin...he made a whole "army" of penguins in the backyard.
We jumped at the chance to meet our friends the Truax's (Alissa, Max, and Mari) at the sledding hill.

I love to sled and it is so much fun to do with the boys!

Nolan was a dare devil for sure.  He rode down all by himself and many times backwards!!  He was a trooper as he drug his sled up the hill each time.

This was Max's first time sledding.  The first time he went down he ran right into a little girl at the bottom of the hill completely knocking her legs out from under her.  She was bawling and her mom quickly put her in the car and drove off...she wasn't hurt.  Max would not go down for a long time because of that dramatic event.  Looking back at it...Alissa, Bob and I had to laugh! It was unforgettable!

Mari wanted me to go down on the sled with her.  I was excited until in mid ride we reached super speed and I realized I needed to bail out or I might kill her if I land on top of her.  As I jumped to the side, the sled flipped and we both crashed.  The sled cracked and broke.  I was so worried she would be upset and cry but she said, "Miss Heidi that was ridiculously hilarious!"  We laughed so hard and went down again!  Poor sled ended up in the garbage can not to long after that.

We had such a great time sledding!


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