My boys

Here are a few moments I can't help but share...

After school on day, I was cutting up strawberries and the boys wanted to help.  I was pulling everything and anything out of the refrigerator to have them chop up.  They were so entertained for a while.  It was funny to stand back, watch, and listen to them talk like chef's.

Bob was out of town so that means if I want to actually sleep at night all three boys sleep with me. I got everyone ready for bed then took Nolan in his room to rock him to sleep and when I came back to my bedroom this is what I saw.  Landon wearing my eye mask in deep beauty sleep.

They are so sweet when they are sleeping.  Where am I going to sleep?

Recently we wanted to do some outdoor changes to the house so we took the shutters down, repainted them gray, and took the front door off, and repainted it yellow.  The boys love to help and we try to give them every opportunity we can to make them feel like they are contributing.  It was a hot day and keeping shirts on the boys is a lost cause.  Here is Landon painting the door while eating a cucumber…multi-tasking.

Landon and Nolan pretending to be puppies as they drink water from their water dish.

Bob was a proud dad when Carter grabbed the sidewalk chalk and created this masterpiece. He is a true Michigan fan at heart.

These three boys mean the world to us.

Recently we pulled the shutters off the house to repaint them and the boys couldn't help but be an arm's length away from Bob.  He is their hero!  Hanging out the window watching Daddy's every move.

A week ago I asked Bob to give me a little bit of time to switch over the boys winter clothes to summer clothes, he said sure they can help me mulch.  When I walked outside this is what I saw…Mud people! They were having such a good time together, they covered the slide with mud, had a mud fight, and painted each other's faces with mud.  When Nolan was getting in the bathtub he said, "Mom this water is chocolate."  Nope the water was just so muddy he thought it was chocolate.

Leaving their mark on the van, I couldn't even get angry or wash this off.  Being a mom to these boys is great!


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