Happy 3rd birthday Nolan!

Last weekend we celebrated Nolan's 3rd birthday.  Right now he is so interested and obsessed with garbage trucks so we decided to capitalize on it. I ordered this cute shirt from etsy and the moment it arrived in the mail he insisted on wearing it.  Needless to say, I have definitely gotten my money's worth out of it.
Look at how proud he is wearing this shirt! 

This garbage truck was given to us by the McClelland family and it has been attached to Nolan.  It has been to the beach, he eats breakfast muffins out of the back, and now even in the bathtub.
When Carter woke up on Nolan's birthday, he asked to make him a poster.  He was very pleased with his creation.  Nolan loved it and pretended to pop the balloons.
Maw Maw, Paw Paw, and the Vilts got him this cool water squirter with the water tank as a backpack. He loved it and to tell you the truth he looked like a little "ghost buster".  Here he is spraying his number on the sidewalk.

He requested a garbage truck birthday cake.  After looking to have it made from either Giant Eagle, Sam's Club, Walmart, and a local bakery they were not able to make it happen.  So what to do??  PINTEREST! Maw Maw helped to frost it and make it look like a garbage truck…mission accomplished!

He loved singing along with us as we sang "Happy Birthday"

Spraying water all over!

On his birthday breakfast he requested "warm eggs". Blowing out a candle in some scrambled eggs.

His birthday present: A digger.  Bob created this great digger space full of dirt and sand where he can sit on digger and just dig.  He loves it.
Birthday measurement
Our youngest baby is already three.  How did he grow up so fast?  He is such a great blend of both Carter and Landon's personalities.  We can't help but laugh at his cute expressions and sayings.  We love this little guy to pieces.  


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