A day with Thomas

We were headed up to Michigan to see Robyn, who came into town from Seattle so we tried to pack in as much fun as we could while we were there. The Lokers invited us to join them at Greenfield Village for a Day out with Thomas.  We had taken Carter and Landon to see Thomas in Cleveland at the Cuyahoga Railroad years ago but had yet to take Nolan. Laura hooked it up with a huge discount and we met them there.  We had never been to Greenfield Village so we were excited to check it out.  

At the horse stable, Abby was so interested in watching the animals while Carter was eager to point out the flies on the horse poop piles.  Yep, there is another time you can tell the differences in gender.

There was a train roundhouse where they kids could check out parts of the train up close.  The boys loved turning the wheel and watching the machine pump.  If you look closely in Nolan's arm he has Kody clutched tight.  Bob and I were on constant Kody watch to make sure that we didn't loose him during the whole day.

Jackson and Nolan stop for just a moment to pose with their railway safety hats and badges.

These kids loved being so close to a big train.

The kids had the opportunity to help the worker push the track around the roundhouse.  They did a great job!  Those smiles should how proud they are of themselves.

In the shelter building there was a track set up with several trains traveling on them.  The boys could have stayed there all day just watching.  
In the village, there were houses, buildings, bridges set up to look like how it did in the olden days. Before our scheduled time on the train we explored and walked all around the village.  It was a perfect day.
All three boys living life on the edge

There were so many cool events set up throughout the park.  In the middle was an olde time carnival with games and this crazy stilt wearing man making bubbles.  It was pretty cool but was a child mosh pit because once the bubble was made all the kids would jump on each other trying to pop the bubble.

Here comes Thomas!

Nolan was full of smiles and belly laughs as he came cruising into the station.

At the candy shop Carter chose a ring pop and boy did he nurse that sucker for a long time.  

Of course once we got on the train and it started to move, these boys decided to rest.  It was a gentle ride through the park.  I even think Bob nodded off for a few minutes.

There was a playground which was so cool.  They had so many things to do.  Carter climbed the rock wall to the top.  Once he was at the top he said to me, "Mom get dad so he can get me down."  Our rule  is always if you climb up on your own you have to get yourself down on your own.  I was sticking to my guns and tell him how he needed to try first on his own to get down.  This woman walked up to me and said "My husband is really tall if you want him to grab your son from the top."  I thanked her for the offer but told her he had to try on his own first.  Lickety spit he made it down on his own!  That's a win for Mom!
Look at these daredevils climbing the net!

What a great time!  We will have to go back soon!


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