
Showing posts from 2016

Christmas in Columbus

This year we traveled down to Columbus to celebrate Christmas together early for a reason that will be revealed at a later date.  This was a chance for us to all be together at Danielle and Edd's new house.  It is a beautiful spacious house in such a cute neighborhood.  We weren't there ten minutes before the kids were running and playing together. We spent the day together chatting, laughing, and eating!!  We all enjoy each other's company. Look closely at the love Lincoln is giving Nolan...a loving choke hold. Paw Paw turns 62 years old this year.  The kids were so happy to help him blow out his candles not just once but twice! A quick Boone Family pep talk and then let the unwrapping begin!  The excitement was running high!  Lots of giggles, gasps, and screams as they all reacted to the gifts they received. Pokemon ball belts...Landon was beside himself!!! Carter spent the rest of the evening organizing this pokemon ca...

It's Christmas tree time

The older the boys get the busier it seems we get especially around the holidays. We were able to sneak away after school on Friday to pick out our tree. In theory it sounds like an amazing experience where you walk hand in hand and choose the perfect tree. In reality it is me gritting my teeth as I remind the boys not to run around the place of business and just when I take a breath I realize Nolan is peeing on one of the trees a family is interested in buying. Landon of course had to poop right when we found the trees we were deciding between so I took him to the portA pot and the others pulled the tree on the cart. My favorite part is watching Bob tie the tree to the top of our mini van. Paw Paw was able to come with us too. We saw the reindeer, drank hot cocoa, and warmed up by the fire. The reindeer promptly started pooping when Landon walked up. He clearly thought this was the best day ever! Our family photo this year was a hot mess. Luckily Paw P...

Seattle Trip

Hello there. This is Bob here.  Back in early November I had the opportunity to travel to Seattle for work. It was a great opportunity to see if my mother wanted to tag along. And as expected, she was in!! Also, my sister Robyn lives just outside of Seattle, so it worked out perfectly to get to spend a couple days with her. We spent the first day checking out Edmonds, WA.  What a cool area right along the Puget Sound. We spent time walking around near the pier watching the harbor seals and jellyfish. Robyn then took us to a fantastic restaurant right on the water where they were serving all you can eat jumbo prawns. It was just like all you can eat shrimp at Red Lobster, but 10 times bigger and better.  The full day we had with Robyn is one I will never forget. She planned a trip where we took the ferry out to the San Juan Islands and explored all day long. The ferry ride was gorgeous. It was exactly what you would expect being on the water in the Pacific Northwest in Nov...

Thanksgiving at the Lodge

Let the holiday season begin!  That means food, laughter and doesn't get any better than this.  We jumped into the car and headed down to the Lodge. We were so lucky with such mild weather that we spent as much time outdoors as we could. Check out these crazy trouble makers...Two peas in a out world! Nothing but outdoor fun with nature! I can never tell who is having more fun the boys or Bob! Carter, Addie, and I went on a nature walk just to explore.  We stopped several times along the way just to listen and chat about what we loved the most about being at the lodge. It's a place we love to come together with our family. Uncle Edd and the kids Maw Maw even jumped on board to ride along I am not sure about your Thanksgiving but ours included a face painting event. Fun! Of course Landon would beg for a block M. If the kids weren't out riding the trials they were sitting and p...