Spontaneous Cedar Point Event

About a week ago Bob had to travel up to Michigan for work, so I am always looking for something to do to keep the boys busy. At the end of the school day on Tuesday, Matt came to my room and told us all about the FREE trick or treat event at Cedar Point.  Count us in!!  We ran home, ate dinner, grabbed costumes and headed out.  To our surprise Maw Maw was waiting to see us at the house.  She got to come with us and this was so helpful for me with the boys by myself.  Carter is a lion, Landon a hotdog, and that night Nolan wanted to be a shark.  When we arrived the parking lot was quickly filling up.  We ended up waiting in line for over an hour but the kids were very well behaved.  
All the kids dressed up: Landon(hotdog), Ben (superman), Carter (lion), Lilly (super girl), and Nolan

While waiting in this long line in the middle of the parking lot, Nolan had to pee.  What's a mom to do???? So I tried to make it as discreet as possible but I had him pee into this Halloween treat bucket.  Of course he was peeing forever and the line started to move and people were passing us by.  When he was finished I had to carry it around until we made it to a drain and I poured it down the drain and wiped out the bucket with his sweatshirt. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

Businesses in Sandusky had tables set up within the Cedar Point Park and the kids got to trick or treating. I was impressed by how organized it really was they had all the halloween decorations out for everyone to see.

Once we got home I opened the door and this is what I found.  Three sticky, sleeping boys!!! It was so much fun!  I love spontaneous activities!


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