
Showing posts from August, 2015

Last week of summer

It's hard to believe that our summer break is coming to an end. We have had so much fun I just can't believe it!! These boys just melt my heart. We went to the Cleveland Zoo for Bob's work picnic.   All summer long we have been enjoying the in ground pool at our neighbor's house.  We are spoiled rotten when it comes to that!  The water is so warm and we swim whenever we want!  They are good people! Grandpa Grocho was not feeling well so he was taken to Riverside hospital in Columbus.  This last week of summer we drove down and stayed with Aunt D for a few days so we could go and visit him. At this point he has been diagnosed with leukemia.  His body isn't strong enough to undergo the intensive treatment so he has chosen to be at home, comfortable, and with Grandma.  Their love for one another is amazing. This week they celebrated Grandma's 87th birthday and their 64th wedding anniversary. Grandma is squeezing on the boy

Beulah Beach Summer Camp

Here in the area there is a Summer Day Camp called Beulah Beach.  It is a church based camp right on the water.  Crazy thing: I went to this camp when I was in middle school because it is affiliate with my hometown church in Bucyrus.  I have been looking forward to sending the boys to this camp since we moved here because I had such great memories.   This was the year for them to both be able to go.  I was a little nervous about leaving my boys with people I didn't know and have them do dangerous/adventurous things without me but I said many prayers and trusted they were in God's hands.  The first morning I dropped them off, I got emotional as I watched them timidly walk up to their counselor.   Every day that I picked them up during the week they were so pumped to tell me everything they did!  Ziplines, giant swings, a huge slip and slide down a hill, swimming in the lake and pool, Skittle War, water balloon fights, soccer, riding on a speed boat, and so much more!!!

Campground, Wisconsin dells, and a quick stop to Chicago

The family vacation this year was a fun filled many stop adventure.  We started our trip to Fremont, Indiana at Jellystone Campground.  Aunt D, Uncle Edd, Addie, Lincoln, Maw Maw, and our family made the trip.  Grandma and Grandpa Grocho rode up with Maw Maw to join in the craziness.   Since we last had been there, they added a new watermark with splash pad.  The kids had a great time playing in the water. One of our favorite things we do is get doughnuts on the weekend from the camp store.  There is always a huge line but it is worth the wait.  On our walk to the camp store, Paw Paw drove up to surprise us for the day.  The kids were so excited to see him. We rented a cabin for us all to stay in and we were so lucky that it was close to the pond.   We made foil packets…yum!  Grandpa was helping out cutting the carrots. There was a dance party in the pavilion that we went and danced the night away! The boys asked if we could rent a