
Showing posts from July, 2015

A visit to aunt Sharon's

Bob has been putting in long hours at work (14 hour days), so we picked up and drove down to my Aunt Sharon's in southern Ohio for our annual summer visit.  This is a summer road trip that I look forward to and so do the boys.  It is silly what they remember from the visit each year.  We pick up Maw Maw on the way and she goes with us!   They have quite a bit of land for the kids to run and explore on.  When we got out of the car, Carter said, "Mom is that all corn out there in the field?"  Ha!  We city folk aren't used to seeing that much corn on someone's backyard. Sharon has a big garden that they boys love to check out and help pick the veggies.  This is a zucchini that they found!  We later made bread and yummy zucchini chips from! Amy, Sharon's daughter (my cousin), came over to visit with us and brought her three kids.  Gavin, Dylan, and Samantha played so well with the boys.  Sharon had a great idea of using this game of rings a

No more diapers

It is official…the Boone family is diaper free!  After six long years of buying, changing, and disposing of dirty diapers we are finally done with those!  It is kinda crazy to think we don't have to carry a huge diaper bag full of diapers, wipes, rash cream, and extra clothes in case of a blow out. Around December Nolan began to be interested in the idea of going potty on the potty.  He would come into the bathroom to watch everyone and when the boys were going he would press his diaper against the toilet to pretend.  The whole potty training process can be quite exhausting so for him and my best interest we decided to wait until summertime.  He was very quick start going on the potty.  I have to say, ugh how I hate the potty seat.  It is just the most disgusting thing ever!  I tried to get him to use the big potty with a seat insert but he was scared since it was so tall.   He looks like such a big boy on the potty seat! There is just something so cute about seein

Rain, rain go away! (Summertime Fun Week five)

The weather this summer continues to be wet and soggy!  We have been mastering rainy day activities! Carter is a Lego Master Builder of many different things! One afternoon it started to pour down rain and the boys wanted to run in the rain!  Of course I say!  It was so funny watching them splashing in the puddles! Thank goodness for a large empty box.  The kids played in this thing for hours.  They would climb in it and pretend to sleep, stand up in it and push each other over, and they even made it into a box man. On Thursday, the Amherst Library was hosting an event with a juggler.  It was fun to see what this guy could do.  As you can see from this photo…he was a bit cheesy!  Carter has the protective grip on his brothers as Landon looks a little frightened! At the end of his performance, the kids were encouraged to try out his equipment.  This ended up being mass chaos as over 60 small children grab scarves, chinese yo yo's, peacock feathers, jacky

4th of July and birthday

On Tuesday evening, Bob planned a surprise dinner at Mon Ami (one of my most favorite restaurants) with family.  We were standing in the back and up walks my mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, Angie, Katie, Autumn, and Gage.  It was great!  We had an amazing meal and then were lucky enough to head over to see the Marblehead Lighthouse.  The boys love to climb all over the rocks. The boys have been wanting to tie dye shirts this summer.  I found this kit at target on clearance so it was a sign that it was time.  I had my camera all ready to take photos during the process but it was quite a bit to manage so you get to only see the end result.  They turned out a lot better than I thought they would! Bob had Friday July 3rd off, which was wonderful, because he got to come along to the last day of swimming lessons. Carter learned how to tread water and dive in the deep end.  Landon gained lots of confidence and swims with ice cream scoop arms.  He still insists on wearing h