Keeping Busy on the Snow Days

Now don't get me wrong, no one loves snow days as much as the kids but I am a very close second!  I am giddy when I get that phone call that lets me know I can shut the alarm clock off and cuddle with whoever has made their way into our bed that night. Recently we have been hit with unbelievably cold temperatures that have caused school to cancel.  During these days off we have kept quite busy!  We made flubber.  They loved playing with this!  Word to the wise: Don't put it in your hair or on your carpet…speaking from personal experience it's not easy to cleanup.

Maw Maw traveled up to stay with us while we were cooped up in the house.

 We made fruit kabobs!

 Next up, baking soda eruptions with eye droppers.  I don't know what it is about eruptions but the boys could do it everyday. It seems like baking soda and vinegar always seem to be on our grocery list!

Then we created leprechauns and painted orange beards with forks.

Thank goodness for the cold because we froze plastic animals in water overnight.  Then the boys smashed the ice with hammers to get the animals out.  This got quite crazy….note to self: wear safety goggles!

The boys just learned how to play UNO.  Wow have we spent many hours playing this fun game with everyone!

 Like my friend Laura says, when they are starting to get crazy…throw them into the bath tub to play.  That is just what we did with shaving cream bath paint.  It was messy but smelled so manly.

 Aunt D, Addie, and Lincoln surprised us with an overnight stay on Sunday night.  No school on Monday meant more time to play, paint, and explore.  This was my favorite picture from the evening.  Carter is reading Addie a Frozen book and she is just hanging on every word.  Too sweet!

We may be in school until July this year because of all the snow/cold days this year but we sure did have fun on these unexpected days off together!


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