Addie turns three!

We traveled down to Columbus to celebrate Addie's third birthday.  Danielle had rented out this recreation center within a local church and it was off the hook!  There was a party room with a huge play place like at McDonalds, a climbing wall, and a plastic climber for toddlers.  From the moment we walked in the kids were in heaven.
Addie was wearing two princess dresses at this point of the party!  

Uncle Edd plays with Landon…Don't mind Paw Paw in the background!

Look at these two characters…they love being with us and all the kids!

Quick photo of the family during the party…Addie was too busy socializing to take time to join them

Cousin Chad!

Love these snuggles!

Lincoln was such a ham for the camera!

Edd's brother, Steve, took part in the birthday craft of making a crown and wore it proudly!

Our camera battery died after this so we didn't catch any photos of Addie blowing out the candles, licking frosting from the cake, or ripping into her presents!  She had so much fun!
It's hard to believe that she is three already!


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