Sunday funday

Today was a day with no planned activity which can be a good thing or a bad thing at our house. I had been wanting so much to wash Landon's beloved penguin for a while so this was great timing. He grabbed a cleaning toothbrush and some oxi clean and scrubbed him up.
Next, Bob asked the boys to help him wash his car. They were over the moon about using soapy sponges and the hose. 

After they finished the car that lead to a bike wash. The boys soaped up their bikes and rode them through the sprinkler.

We ended the evening with a trip to an apple orchard.  We went to Quarry Hill Orchard for the first time.  The boys were so excited to take Nolan for the first time out to pick apples.  Carter reminded Landon and taught Nolan only to pick the apples that were red and ripe.  While we were walking back to the orchard, Bob put Nolan down and when I looked over I noticed Nolan was eating a peach.  I was a little confused because we were in an APPLE orchard.  I said, "What is Nolan eating?" The lady said, "Oh, just the peach the dog was eating. I was afraid to tell you." OMG! What do you do when you are standing in an apple orchard, quite a ways from your car, and your child shares a peach with a dog…nothing!  Just hope that it helps build his immune system.  After that we picked apples until our bellies ached but we had such a great time being together!


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