Color Us Happy!

I have been wanting to do a Color Run 5k for awhile but wanted to try and do it with the whole family.  It was just our luck that they brought the Color Run to Cedar Point this year.  We signed up and anxiously counted down the days to the big event.  I got plain white t-shirts so they could get splashed with color.  When we arrived at Cedar Point, the boys were more than excited.

The before family photo

Carter and Landon ran as fast as they could from the start until we entered the amusement park.  Once inside they were in awe of all of the rides.  They were talking about which ones they wanted to ride when they get older.  As we progressed through the park we entered the first color "arch".  In each one of the arches, we would be splashed with colored corn starch as we ran through.  This was so much fun!  The boys had a great time.  About half way through Nolan wanted out of the stroller so he could run through them also.  He was so excited to be able to do what the big brothers were doing.

At the end of the race of course the boys sprinted through the finish line.  Once we finished we received a color packet of corn starch, and when they counted down from 10, we through it up in the air and danced like fools.  So much fun!

When we got in the car to head home, Carter said, "Mom can we do this again?"  I said, "Yep, we will do it every year."  He then asked, "How many more days until the next color run?"

A new Boone Family Tradition is in the books!


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