As we endure the next step...

It's finally here…Carter heads to Kindergarten.  This is a moment I have been looking forward to from afar because it just never seemed like it would happen because you can't imagine it happening.  All summer long we planned and prepared for it…buying supplies, reminding him about how to make/keep friends, being respectful to adults, etc. As he walked into the school building where I teach, it just seemed too surreal.  Many friends/colleagues said to me, "It seems like just yesterday when you had him." "He can't be that old yet?".  As they remind me that life goes by fast, I reflect on the moments I never want to forget.  I ran home and busted out the photo books of our lives and Bob and I share memories we still hold onto.  Life goes by too fast…but thank goodness we have made the best out of every moment we can.

Bob's work schedule has been super crazy with contract negotiations that are taking longer than anyone thought they would but fortunately he was able to be there on this big day.  After a breakfast of champions, they pictures began.  Carter has been so excited to carry his book bag that he chose.  We searched the stores for just the right one and when the stores didn't have one we ordered it online.  When the box arrived and he opened it, he was jumping around and hugging his Michigan book bag.  Yep, that was a proud dad moment for sure…what dad doesn't want their son to root for "their" team.

His teacher this year is Mrs. Falknor.  Who is this you might ask?  When I took my first teaching job here in Vermilion there was another teacher who was starting her first year also.  Our principal at the time thought it would be great if we roomed together so as luck would have it we did!  So it has come full circle from roommates to now the first teacher Carter's school year journey.  I am so happy for this because she is an amazing teacher who lets each child's personality shine through while molding them into the best they can be!

Even though Bob and I worry about so much: will he make friends, will he raise his hand to speak, will he eat all of his lunch, will he get into trouble?, we have to just hope we prepared him for these moments along the way.  

Bob brought him to school that first day and he said Carter was strictly business. He put his book bag in his locker, lunch box in the bin, and was coloring his paper before Bob could get inside the classroom. He was so ready for this big day!  Throughout the day I walked by his classroom, which is right next to mine, to check on him and he was having a great time.  At the end of the day when he came into my classroom, I asked him what his favorite part of the day was and he said, "Recess". Of course it was!  
When we got back to the house, Maw Maw had decorated the house to celebrate everyone's first day. She even had a balloon popping game where the boys had to do what the strip of paper said to do after it was popped.

Now let's not forget Landon, it was also his first day of 4-year old preschool.  I have to be honest with you that he was having a harder time with Carter going to Kindergarten than we were.  The day before Landon had to visit his preschool for an hour so Maw Maw took him.  He refused to go and went into Carter's bed and laid there for quite some time.  He was so sensitive and emotional about most anything.  We tried to hype up his first day of preschool but he wanted so much to be going to Kindergarten with Carter.  As Carter packed his snack for school, Landon placed one in his book bag too.  When Carter practiced folding his rest towel, Landon too had to fold a rest towel.  It just made my heart break to see how out of sorts he was with this new change.  I know it is good for them to be apart but I felt like I was taking a twin away from his partner.  

Showing off his Hotwheels book bag

After the first day, Carter and I drove over to Becky's to pick up Landon and Nolan.  Landon ran out of the house to the car to see Carter.  They hugged and started talking about their day.  Nolan when crazy when he saw Carter too!  

So as we all embrace the new changes that are happening in our family, we are sure to enjoy the moment!
Maw Maw even came for the big day!

One proud Papa Bear


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