Swim Like A Fish!

The boys have never been afraid of the water but it was now time to get them lessons on how to really swim.  A parent had mentioned to me at school about the lessons offered at the Vermilion City Pool and I jumped on the chance to get them in quickly.  The session lasts for two weeks and it's an hour each day. The boys were put in separate groups, which was the best thing for them.  Each swim coach is a certified lifeguard that works there at the pool.  Carter's coach is the son of two students I have taught in previous years.  Landon was put in the youngest group based upon his age and height.  In Landon's group they were teaching the kids to not be afraid of putting their heads underwater.  Him and three other boys were already past this and chose to be crazy instead of listening.  I had to grab Landon out of the pool like a crazy lady because he wasn't listening.  On the second day of lessons Carter jumped off the diving board into the arms of his coach.  This was awesome!  A few days later Landon did the same thing but now he is terrified of the diving board there and refused to do it again even with a bribe of a slushy afterwards.
 Carter swimming to the side

Landon being his wide self

Practicing seated dives

Kick kick kick

Carter jumping into the coach's arms from the diving board 

Yesterday, the day before the last day, Carter asked to jump off the diving board and swim to the ladder all by himself.  I was a little worried but thought why not?  He totally rocked it!  Jumped right off and swam to the side by himself!  So proud of that kid!  We headed to Becky's after practice where he had to announce to everyone his big accomplishment.  He kept it up by jumping of her diving board over and over again and swimming to the shallow end!  It was awesome!
Landon's patient instructor
Carter's swim instructor!


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