Dino Week!

With summer here we are having fun but we are also learning!!! The boys love dinosaurs so we decided to learn as much as we could and make some dino projects.  Each morning after breakfast the boys complete a "learning sheet" on a skill they should know, then we go about our day and when it's nap time for Nolan we get to do a project.
Here are a few projects we have done this week:
Hatching Dinosaur Eggs

The egg disappeared and a rubber dinosaur hatched out.

So I found this excavation kit and thought…why not! It was a rectangle of plaster that had an eight piece plastic T-rex inside.  We used paleontologist tools to beat this skeleton out of the plaster.

I loved watching them beat it until it broke and then so carefully brushing the dust off the bones.

Finally, we made salt dough fossils.  When I baked them in the oven, I quickly found out that wax paper and parchment paper are not the same.  The wax paper started to burn in the oven which then filled the house with smoke setting off every smoke alarm in the house.  I couldn't get them to stop beeping until I busted out my crazy volleyball skills and spiked them off the ceiling.  While it was beeping Carter was reminding me that at Safetytown they told them to get out of the house and stand at the mailbox.  
After the salt dough cooled and the smoke settled in the house the boys painted the fossils.
It has been a fun week!  


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