
Showing posts from May, 2014

Celebrating Nolan and Lincoln turning 1

This past weekend we went to Columbus to celebrate Nolan and Lincoln turning one together!  The day started out very dreary and rainy but thank goodness for the afternoon sun.  It is so fun to see all the  cousins playing together like best friends. The tub full of rainwater was a huge hit.  The kids loved pouring and filling cups and bowls. Addie rocked the bounce house Carter and Erin wrestle Lincoln spent most of the time sitting in the water tub Love this! More pictures to come! Maw Maw and Paw Paw got Nolan a water table for his birthday and it was a huge hit for all the boys!! I busted out a missile launcher while Nolan was taking a nap.  The boys could have played with this toy for hours! Outdoor toys are the best!

Preschool Graduation

This school year has flown by so fast.  Tonight was the graduation ceremony at the preschool.  As the boys walked in they played Pomp and Circumstance.  I got a little teary eyed just thinking about how fast the kids are growing up.  They wore these cute little graduation caps too! Nolan plays in the back of the church Becky came to share this event with us! Proud Maw Maw! Unforgettable Memories

Goal!!! Let the games begin!

We just recently started the boys in their very first soccer league called "Little Kickers".  I know nothing about soccer.  To me it looks like a whole bunch of people running and kicking a ball, I had no idea there were positions and plays and side kicks.  I am learning a lot as the kids are learning too.  We didn't have soccer at our school in high school but thank goodness Bob did.  He is walking the sidelines of practice encouraging (yelling) the kids to get in there and get the ball. Carter and Landon are on the same team.  Landon is by far the smallest kid on the team but the most aggressive.  He is all up in the mix when the ball is in a crowd.  Carter thinks that everything is a race to see who can get to the goal first.  Last game he noticed a boy from the other team had the same shoes as him. They spent a good 5 minutes checking them out!  Too funny!


Easter begins with an egg hunt that we shared with the Loker's family. Here are all the kids lined up with excitement ready to hunt eggs!! Carter and Landon were in the same hunting area and Nolan was with the younger group.  Once the whistle was blown they took off grabbing as many as they could get their hands on.  It was great to watch them check out the surprise inside of the eggs.  Nolan was more interested in taking eggs out of other's baskets. After the hunt we had pizza, did crafts, and ended with swinging at the park! That evening we decided to color Easter eggs.  I found this cool idea on pinterest to make "volcanic Easter eggs".  We mixed baking soda and food coloring to make the paste and then painted it on the eggs.  Next you drop those eggs into a cup of vinegar and step back and watch it erupt.  It was awesome.  The only problem was that our fingers were very colorful for while.  Definitely worth it though!   I am so happ

Watching the Time Fly By

I know, I know…I'm slacking with keeping up with Nolan's monthly pictures.  It started out so well but, life happened and I failed! I posted the 9 month photo and soon after that Nolan started walking so trying to get him to sit still for a photo was very hard. This little man was walking at 9 1/2 months and Bob and I were so surprised.  He is always trying to keep up with his two older brothers.   Can you believe this guy is 1??   He is so busy these days with climbing stairs, almost running and feeding himself with silverware.  He is rocking his 6 teeth, 3 on top, 3 on the bottom.  Nolan is a dancing machine with a bounce and raising the roof!  The older boys are doing a great job at adjusting to having another playmate and a smaller shadow.  

Spring Break!

This spring break we decided to take Carter and Landon on a surprise vacation.  Nolan spent the week between Maw Maw and Grandma Angie.  On Saturday morning we loaded a plane in Detroit.  In this flight, the airline had our seats spread out unless you paid to be moved together.  Bob decided to sit with the boys and let me "relax".  I was about 5 rows in front of them but felt like I had to constantly turn around to see what I was missing out on.  Once the flight took off, I fell asleep and woke up to my foot being asleep and a panicked flight  attendant.  They ran to the back of the plane and asked if there was any medical personnel onboard.  A doctor from a seat in front of me stood up.  I began to freak out a little and then we hit some turbulence.  The lady next to me told me to calm down…she could sense my nervousness. The situation on the plane was an older woman passed out due to her high blood pressure medicine.  The crazy part was that her husband's seat was in th