
Christmas seems like such a long time ago but it was a blast.  The boys were finally old enough to understand the holiday so we went a little overboard this year with all the festivities.
The boys opened up a present early…Their minion costumes and the Despicable Me 2 movie.  You can tell by their faces that they were so excited.
Every Christmas Eve, we celebrated at my grandparents house.  My grandparents have a very small house and our families all seem to be growing so it can be a little tight. I have to admit I look forward to it every year because of the joy it brings to my Grandparents to have everyone they love under one roof.  I love this picture where Grandpa Grocho is holding Carter as he "shows" him how to play his new game for the InnoTab.  We are so lucky and blessed to have them around our children!  It truly melts my heart to watch them love up on our kids!

Christmas fun continued as we drove home on Christmas Eve to our house.  Waiting for us there were Grandma Boone and Aunt Katie to soon be joined by Maw Maw, Paw Paw, Aunt D, Uncle Edd, Addlynn, and Lincoln.  A full house for us equals nothing but fun!!!  
Christmas morning the kids opened their gift from Santa…Carcade.  This is a pinball style machine that shoots matchbox cars at targets.  It is super fun!  We have a little family competition going as to who holds the top score.  Currently Bob is the holder of the high score but Carter beat him once and he was more than excited to call Dad at work to share his good news!
Remote control helicopters were a gift from Aunt D and Uncle Edd.  As the boys opened them, they immediately wanted them ready to fly and as I examined the box it said ages 14+.  I knew that is was going to be crazy then.  The boys got all dressed warm and headed outside to fly them.  We all were glued to the windows as we watched them fly them, crash them, and land them in the neighbors tree.  There's nothing like knocking on your neighbor's front door on Christmas whom you have yet to meet, to ask if it would be okay if your 33 year old husband climbs their tree to get a remote control helicopter.  Laughs were shared by all as they crossed their fingers he didn't fall and sue them!

Bob had just as much fun as they did.

Maw Maw is happiest when she is surrounded by her grand babies.  

After Christmas we ventured down to Columbus to celebrate with the Hornak side of the family.  It is so great to know that even when we only get to see each other infrequently our kids still play together so well.  Landon is trying out Tyler's new machine gun.  He became a little possessed as he got the "Rambo" twinkle in his eye as he ran through the house.

Carter and Adelynn pose in their laser tag shades!  Love the smiles.
Maw Maw and Nolan get in on the fun too!

The hustle and bustle of the holidays are over and we are already looking forward to next year!


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