8 months

ON THE MOVE, SUPER FAST!!!  Nolan is so stinking fast these days.  He climbs the stairs like a pro and chases after his brothers as quickly as he can.
He has a smile that just won't quit.
Love to watch his learn new things and play with toys all the boys have used!

Tunnel of Nolan

He is so happy!  He is working on two new top teeth to go along with those bottom two chicklets.  He has been in a lot of pain and the nights have been pretty rough. He now comes at you for a kiss, but bites instead…oh yeah, he is the cutest vampire you have ever seen!
He has found his voice and loves using it to be heard.  He squeals in hopes of being apart of the conversation and getting some much needed attention.  When he wakes up in the morning, his first job is look around for his big brothers.  Once he finds them he is all smiles.


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