The Christmas Tree Adventure

Let me just set the stage for this...Many people have suggested the whole go and cut your own Christmas tree but bottom line...I'm a cheapskate.  Yep, it sounds very grinchy but a tree is thrown away quickly after purchased and they are expensive.  We have always had an artificial tree and it was fine.  This year after getting all the decorations out of storage we realized our Christmas tree was no where to be found.  Bob thought he told me that he threw it out because the lights weren't working but I thought that would be something I would have remembered.  Anyways that meant we could either go and buy an artificial tree at prime price since it is December or just bite the bullet and get a real tree.  This girl decided this would be the year for the real tree.  I have been looking for a local tree farm. We had planned on going tomorrow during the day but the weather forecast is a snowy blizzard.  On my way home from school I called Bob and suggested that we go tonight.  The tree farm was open until 6pm because they don't have lights on anything (hay ride, tree farm).  Bob raced home from work as I quickly came home grabbed snow pants, boots, hats, gloves, fed Nolan, and met him off the exit so that we could make it there on time.  Landon fell asleep in the car on the way home so I carried him inside to rest on the couch.  Once we decided upon our evening plans I picked him up and put him in the car still asleep.  En route I looked back and realized that I left his snow boots on the table and if that isn't bad enough he was shoeless because he was asleep on the couch. Once we reached the tree farm we were the only people there and we jumped out of the car.  Bob carried Landon as we wrapped his sock feet in a blanket.  Carter loved running through the trees and picking up snow to throw on us.  The poor employees walked around with us in the dark using cell phones as flashlights to see the trees.  The experience was so crazy that at times I thought I might laugh hysterically.  Once we found our tree they bailed it up and Bob put it on top of the car.  It was taking Bob a long time to tie down the tree and I couldn't figure out why.  He told me that the workers asked him for the ratchet straps and of course we ran out of the house without them so he tied the tree down with hay twine.  Is it just me or are you also thinking this sounds like a Griswold Christmas adventure??  We took all back roads home because if we drove too fast the tree could blow off the top of the car.  When I was pulling into the driveway at home I opened the garage door and started to pull the van in.  Seconds before I drove our new Christmas tree into the side of the house I slammed on the breaks saving Christmas!  What an adventure we had and I love the unforgettable memories we created!
A chilly family photo

Carter found a "baby" tree

Sipping hot cocoa

Nolan is always up for anything

Love, love, love

Bagged and tagged and ready to go


Anonymous said…
You crack me up Heidi and the stories are endless, love reading about them....

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