
The holidays are so much fun!  I get so excited when they begin because it means extra time spent with friends and family.  Our holidays began with 3 boys with pink eye and Nolan with a double ear infection. After lots of antibiotics we started the drive down to Columbus.  Once we were all together all of the kids were in good spirits.  Addie just lights up when she sees the boys and they can't get enough either.

Nolan and Linc are two peas in a pod.  They are both starting to be on the move but yet are unsure of each other.  We often find them reaching for each other and it usually ends in a mini pile up.  I can't wait to see where we are with these two in a year from now.  It's gonna be rough and wild!
Linc pulls Nolan's hair with hopes of slowing him down as he's cruising around. !

While we visited with family, we had Danielle snag a few family photos for us. These are just a few of our favorites.

This is what I am thankful for!


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