Fun At the Mall

A visit with Santa at the mall is one of our holiday traditions.  In the past two years it was so much easier to manage during the day without working full time.  So the Saturday before Christmas we made sure we could see Santa.  While at the mall, I had a list of items to pick up for the remaining people on our list so I ran quickly into the stores while Bob played with the boys at the play place.  When I came walking out of JC Penny I noticed these two boys jumping high into the sky and by the giggles, I knew it was Carter and Landon.  I am not so sure if I would have had the courage to let them get all strapped in and jump like crazy in a mall set up contraption but thank goodness Bob is willing to do this.  

They were up so stink in high!  

Carter was even doing side karate kicks and the instructor was showing him how to do flips.

 We finally made it over to Santa's Village to snag our yearly Santa photo.  I was unsure about how Landon would react because he was not excited about seeing him at breakfast in Michigan.  When he saw him he walked right up to him and told him he wanted a Switch and Go Dino!  Bob and I looked at each other in shock.
Maw Maw cuddles with Nolan while we wait our turn with Santa.

So happy they shared their wish list with Santa
This little man loves riding in the stroller because he flirts with everyone who passes.


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