First Family Pets
Carter has been talking about getting a pet for awhile. Bob would get a dog in a heartbeat but this momma vetoes that decision right now. A happy compromise are fish! I snagged a fish tank with filter and we have been waiting for the perfect time to get the new additions. Now that we are in our home I thought it would be great to do it. The boys are completing their daily chore charts to earn their pets. Everytime that they stray just a quick reminder of the fish helps get them back on track.
The boys helped Bob to scrub up the tank and get it ready.
After cleaning the tank it was time to go and pick out the new pets. At the pet store I was asking so many questions about water temperature, feeding, cleaning, etc and the man thought I was insane because they are really just goldfish. Anyways the boys were over the moon with getting to choose their fish. Carter wanted the "super fast" fish which he then named Dorthy like Elmo's fish. Landon named his fish Nolan. We have brought them home and as I was putting them in the tank one of the feeder fish jumped out of the bag into the sink. I grabbed it and as I was walking it over to the tank the fish jumped out of my hands onto the floor. That poor fish might not last very long because of all the trauma he has been through. The boys have been watching the fish swim around. Carter even said, "Good night, Dorthy."
Having pets is fun here at our house.