Carter's First Visit to the Dentist

This is a moment that I have been waiting for...Carter's first trip to the dentist.  Just like any other "first" this crazy mom had her camera charged and ready to capture every moment! We had been reading a book about going to the dentist at bedtime for about a week to help prepare Carter for the experience.  He was not afraid of going at all and was looking forward to it all week.  The Chelsea Family Dentistry is amazing!  The hygentist took me back first to show Carter what they would be doing to his teeth.  She let him put on gloves and a mask and even suck the spit from my mouth.  After I was finished they put him on the chair and got him ready to go.
They asked him if he brushes his own teeth.  He said, " I put on the toothpaste and I brush my teeth but my mom helps me brush the back ones!"

He was awesome in the chair while she cleaned and polished his teeth.  He chose chocolate flavor fluoride to have it cleaned with.  "It tasted like brownies."

At the end of the appointment they gave him two gold coins to use in the trinket machine out front.  He held onto those coins with the death grip.  When we got out there he chose a tiny frog squishy and my favorite...a stick on mouthstache. He wore this thing for the rest of the day even through his nap!

A great first trip to the dentist and the best part...No cavities! 


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