A December Vacation to Dominican Republic

Earlier this year, Bob's sister Julie's daughter, Lauryn (Bob's niece and goddaughter) got engaged.  They decided to have a destination wedding in Punta Cuna in the Dominican Republic.  The idea of going was actually a possiblilty so we jumped on the chance to take a vacation in December with the boys.  It was a little crazy since now both boys were over the age of 2 and that means we had to purchase a seat on the plane for each of them.  None the less, this would probably be the only time we will get the chance to take them to the Carribean.
The trip would last from Dec. 8th-Dec. 15th (Saturday to Saturday).  We got a hotel Friday night right next to the airport to help make the morning a little smoother.  This was great too because we could park our car at the hotel for the whole week.  On Saturday morning we got up and had breakfast, rode the shuttle to the airport, and got on the plane.  The boys were facinated by the moving walkways and the monorail within the airport. Bob and I were very worried about how the boys would do on the airplane rides so we decided to get them "learning tablets" for Christmas.  Before we left we stocked them full of games and wrapped them up.  As soon as the plane was in the air we let the boys unwrap them and they played with them pretty much the whole flight.  Carter was very interested in looking at the safety manual on the airplane.  He asked lots of questions about the inflatable raft if we land in water and the inflatable slide out the side of the plane if we land on grass. As the captain told us we were getting ready to land, Carter says, "Mommy, I want to crash so we can go down the slide." Everyone around us laughed and said, "No way, let's not crash today." We landed in Atlanta and had just about an hour before out flight left for Punta Cuna.  Bob's mom was flying into Atlanta to fly out on the same flight to Punta Cuna with us.  We decided to find her and then head to our gate.  We all lost track of how fast time was flying and when we got to the gate, they were holding the plane for us.  Needless to say, we barely made it.  When we landed in the Dominican Republic, the airport was completely open air.  We grabbed our bags and jumped on a shuttle that took us to the resort...Ocean Blue. This was an all inclusive resort...no need to leave the resort because they have everything you need there!
In the shuttle to the airport...He was so excited!

Landon loved to look at the airplanes

Sitting in his own seat on the plane!
On Sunday, our first full day there, we got up and headed to breakfast.  The choices for breakfast were interesting.  They had quite a spread from french toast, omlettes, doughnuts...to boiled bananas.  They had nutella which helped us get through the week because the boys aren't big breakfast eaters but they will mow down some "chocolate toast". I couldn't help put pig out on the fresh fruit at every meal.  The pineapple was so sweet and juicy! After breakfast we would walk back to the room, change into swimsuits, lather up with sunscreen and head to the beach.  The beach was beautiful.  Carter and Landon would sprint into the water and crash the waves.  Carter was very brave and spent almost the entire time in the water.  He would jump waves and just splash around in the ocean.  Landon would tolerate the water for a while but he preferred the sand.  He would build and dig in the sand all day! After a few hours we would head back to the room to shower off, change clothes and walk to lunch.  Once we finished lunch, it was time for naps.  The boys fell asleep quickly and I enjoyed having a relaxing moment to read a book.  When they woke up we put swimsuits back on and swam in the pools.  The pools were not heated so I didn't get in very often.  The hot tubs weren't heated either but had jets that shot water up like little fountains and the boys loved that.
Carter jumping waves with Uncle Steve

Landon building sandcastles with Grandma
Monday's schedule seemed to be just like Sunday!  Carter was so exhausted from jumping waves that he fell asleep on Bob while we were at the beach.  Monday night there was a magic show performance at the theater.  I wasn't sure about how well the boys would sit through it but they were great.  Carter never took his eyes off the stage.  Landon watched intently until he bit through a glow stick then him and I were glowing for the rest of the evening!  We ate at the Steakhouse resturant at the resort.  It is all inclusive so you order whatever you want...a great place to be when you are pregnant!  I ate so stinkin much the whole week.  We ordered filet at the steakhouse with mushroom sauce and it was yummy!
Tuesday was a great day at the beach!  There was a little rain during the night so the waves were a little bigger at the beach.  Aunt Katie was teaching Carter about why the waves pull away from the beach and she said it was called "undertow".  When I asked Carter what it was called he said, "underfeet".  The waves were so big that several times they would pull Carter's swim trunks down.  He thought this was so funny!  Landon started to say, "Oh my goodness!" as the waves came in and Carter looked at me and said, "Mommy, I love Landon's little voice."  I cracked up.  After the beach and lunch a group of the family decided to go on a zipline excursion.  I am sure you guessed it that Bob, the recovering patient, insisted that this was a good idea for him to go.  I didn't get much of a choice or arguement in this matter so he went while I stayed back at the restort hoping he would return in one piece.  He had a blast and got to see some amazing sights.
Bob zipping on the zipline with his boot on!
Wednesday afternoon we all (21 of us) decided to rent a catamaran boat.  On this boat ride they would take us out to snorkel around Cap Cana.  I was a little nervous about this because I wasn't sure how the boys would do on a boat.  Bob gets very sea sick so he was taking Dramamine.  Both boys were a little scared at first but then they owned the boat.  At the front of the boat was just two big nets that you could sit on and look down to see the water underneath you.  This was by far the best seat on the boat.  Landon and I spent most of the time up there.  Carter however insisted that he drive the boat with the captain.  The crew on the boat was great.  They were great with the kids and really catered to any need we had.  When we arrived at the snorkel site everyone got suited up and ready to go.  One of the crew members pulled Bob around by the life saving ring so Bob could snorkel without having to kick his bad foot.  I stayed back with the boys and the woman of the crew took the boys out on a little floating boat to let them see the water.  She then lead me on my very own snorkel adventure.  We saw a lobster in coral, sea urchins the size of a pizza, coral that looked like a brain, and lots of fish.  After snorkeling they took us to a natural pool where we anchored and splashed around in the water.  They brought out a floating bar and everyone danced and drank.  It was so beautiful.  That was my favorite part of the trip!

Captain Carter driving the boat

Bob snorkeling

Landon ready to snorkel

Bob and Carter lounging on the net up at the front of the boat

Such a beautiful place

Carter showing off the shell they found for him
Thursday was the wedding day which took place at the resort on the beach.  After nap we all got ready and headed to the beach to see the wedding.  It was a little windy but everything else was fantastic.  The boys wanted to jump in the ocean since we were at the beach but other than that it went smoothly.
Waiting patiently for the wedding to start

The whole crew

Carter and Breana

Landon and Tesa
After the wedding I wasn't feeling very well at all. I got very sick throughout the whole night and into the next day.  I didn't eat anything until Friday night.  I am not sure what exactly it was but it was not fun.  I was glad though to have it on a day at the resort instead of a traveling day.
Saturday was our last day at the resort so we spent every last minute of it soaking up the sun.  Here are some great pictures of our fun.
Landon and Tesa playing in the sand

Love this picture of the boys

The boys at the swim up bar getting slushies

Carter and Aunt Katie


Carter riding the race car raft on the waves
This was a great trip and we had an amazing time making fun memories with the family!  Can't wait for the next vacation!



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