This Family Keeps on Growing!

Yep, it's for real...we are going to have another baby!  I have been wanting to post this great news for quite some time but wanted to be able to tell everyone I wanted in person before we shouted it from the rooftop.  We found out we were pregnant on vacation in early August.  We had visited a winery and I had half a glass of wine and instantly threw up.  Then the next day when we visited the dairy farm I got so nauseous that we picked up a pregnancy test on the way home. Definitely pregnant! We were trying so we were so excited and shocked that it happened so quickly.  If you know me then you know that I am a planner so if we weren't pregnant by September then we were going to wait another full year.

It has been lots of fun getting to tell family and friends our news.  Our parents were more than excited and our friends were equally happy.  They could all be thinking we are crazy too but that would be par for the course.

Starting week 5 until this week, week 16, I have been so sick.  I would throw up at least once a day if not more.  This usually happened if I didn't eat right away, finished a meal, or just thought about it too much.  The boys are so used to me getting sick that when I head into the bathroom Landon would rub my back while Carter grabs my hair to hold it back.

Since we are here in Michigan I have had to find a new OB doctor.  I asked a friend and she recommended me to Dr. Bell at the U of M.  I love her.  I really loved Dr. Starck back in Cleveland but this woman takes the cake.  She is so kind and just really cares about me at that moment.  The last appointment I had to take the boys with me and she loved them. She let them explore the room and push buttons to turn things on and off.  She even let Carter squirt the jelly on my belly and help her find the heart beat.  I know, how many doctors do you know that would take the time to do that...not that many. I am very interested in not making this birth a c-section and she is on board.  She said we would monitor everything closely and when the time comes if that is the route we should go then she cool with it.

We have always thought we would love to have 4 kids however being so sick this time and chasing around two toddlers we think that 3 might be great! The due date is April 20th!  We don't think that we are going to find out the sex of this baby.  It will be a surprise!

Another great thing about being pregnant right now is that my sister Danielle is pregnant too!  She is exactly a month after me!  I can't wait to go through this journey together.

Here is our little bun in the oven at 11 weeks.


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