Making Memories as we go!

I feel like life passes by so fast that I often forget how to slow down and enjoy each moment.  This week was no exception.  On Friday morning I had a doctor appointment then we came home to immediately load up and head to a Halloween cookie decorating play date.  My friend Laura, so graciously hosted this playdate. It was complete with 5 adults and 9 children...yep you heard that right!  It was a great time!  The kids rolled out dough, cut out shapes, decorated and tasted cookies!
Rolling dough!

Landon tasted lots of homemade frosting!
The official taste testers

Later that evening we packed up the kids and the car and drove to Cleveland to visit and catch up with friends.  Saturday morning we had breakfast with Rader's and Derek taught the boys how to play Wii! It was too cute watching the boys jump around with Elmo.

Landon, Mason, and Carter

Saturday evening we met baby Lillian, Matt and Katie's little girl.  The boys were instantly loving on her.  They were kissing her face and asking to hold her. It was too cute.  Then we went to the McClellands house and the boys got to play with Tyler and Nate.  Carter and Tyler picked up right where they left off and were best friends.  They played with trucks, cars, trains, you name it they were thick as thieves.
They played with race track for a long time

Landon cuddling on Nikki

Sunday on our way home we spent time with the Truax's at Burham Orchards.  They were hosting their annual open house so there was a ton of things to do.  The weather was beautiful and we all took advantage of it.  The kids were riding ponies, picking pumpkins, playing at the park, and eating apples.  It was a great weekend!

Carter, Mari, and Landon

Sometimes I need to pinch myself to remind myself to "take in the moments" because too often I don't and it all just passes by so quickly!


Kori said…
Looks like you guys are having a lot of fun this Fall! Darren misses the boys and often asks about Carter! Hope things are going well- we miss you guys!!

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