Halloween 2012

So one of the great things I love about having kids is that holiday celebrations extend longer than just that specific day.  There are always events before to get you excited about the upcoming holiday and then tons to do on "the day".  Here are all the Halloween festivities that we have done this year.

Before I begin, let me tell you a little about the costumes for the boys.  I found this cute dinosaur costume at a garage sale over the summer for $2 that I never thought would fit either boy at Halloween time but we snatched it up with hopes they would at least dress up in it.  It fit Landon like a glove, so he unfortunately didn't have much of a say as to what he was going to be for Halloween   Carter wanted to be a squirrel.  He is a little obsessed with squirrels right now.  I am not sure if it is because they are running around gathering nuts outside like crazy while he watches.  He just loves them.  So I started looking online for a squirrel costume and it was going to cost an arm and a leg for a kid squirrel costume.  I decided to be crafty because my mom used to be able to turn us into whatever we wanted to be for Halloween, so why couldn't I? (I mean I was Pippy Longstocking one year and my mom braided my hair around a wire hanger to look just like her...I'll never forget that!) We made a family trip to JoAnn Fabrics where we picked up some animal fur fabric and a furry feather boa.  I then borrowed my friend Laura's sewing machine, which she gave the quickest and most effective tutorial I have ever seen.  I used a sewing machine in 6th grade home ec and that was the last time so I was a little rusty.  I had to skype with Danielle for a while to figure out how to thread the needle, but once I got it I was off to the races.  I then realized after I sewed the tail that the rest of the sewing was all going to have to be by hand.  I think after completing this costume I for sure earned my Martha Stewart badge! Carter loved it and insisted on wearing it around the house any chance he could get! This year we had a squirrel and a dinosaur, gotta love that!

Now, back to the Halloween fun...We started out at Halloween Storytime at the library.  Which of course there is always a story...I was rushing to finish Carter's costume on the day of the event when the boys hadn't napped and we had to literally run out the door when Bob arrived to make it on time.  We ran to the library on foot and were panting as we entered the door and I thought, "Wow, it is really quite in here."  Yep, I had the date wrong and it was actually the next night. We came back the next night and the boys had a blast.  The librarian told stories and sang songs.  The kids did a project and then went trick or treating in the library.

Carter insisted upon wearing the hood the whole time even as sweat poured from his head.

Next, was the fall festival at Carter's preschool.  This was a great event full of games, projects, and face painting.  The boys loved throwing bean bags and fishing for prizes.  

Next, was our Halloween party at Parents as Teachers.  We went trick or treating at the administration building and then we came back to the classroom to celebrate with goodies and snacks.  

Finally, what we have all been waiting for...Halloween night!  Landon woke up from his nap coughing up a storm and his nose wouldn't stop running, so we decided to make his trick or treating excursion very short.  The weather was damp and 41 degrees.  Bob took Landon to a few houses and he mentioned that Landon didn't say trick or treat because he was acting shy.  Bob thought he was a little out of sorts because his big brother wasn't with him to lead the way.  I took Carter with me to trick or treat with his friends.  We met up at Brett's house and walked the neighborhood.  Carter was cracking me up because he would walk up to the house and say "trick or treat", they would put candy in his bag and then he would stand there silent as if waiting for more candy and I would have to swoop in and say..."okay Carter say thank you and let's go." When we were done with each house he would ask "Are we going to get more candy?"  He had a great time with his friends.  

Trying to convince this sweet old lady for another piece of candy

We are enjoying all the holidays being drawn out longer than they really are and I think the kids are too!


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