Bob's Birthday

Last Sunday, October 7th, Bob turned 32!  Oh, yeah...he is getting old!  So glad he has decided to do it before me because I am not ready to get old!  I had planned on Katie, Bob's sister, to come and watch the boys while we went out for lunch.  A few days before she calls and presents the idea of going to the Tigers Baseball game for his birthday instead.  I instantly was hesitant because that meant more $, more time away from the boys, colder temperatures, etc.  However, despite my thoughts I told Bob it was his birthday and the decision was his.  So...we were going to the game.  We bundled up in our long underwear, layers, hats, gloves, and hand warmers and set out for the game.  When we arrived the sun was out shining and we stripped off several layers which was great!  Later in the game the sun went behind the clouds which froze me out and forced me to get a hot cocoa. After all my complaints I have to admit we had a great time.  It is crazy how wrapped up you get in the routine of everyday life and forget what it used to be like before kids.  Bob ate nachos covered in jalapenos and a sausage smothered in peppers and onions...a perfect birthday meal and when we returned the boys and Katie had baked a birthday cake.  We had a great time!


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