What the HFM?

Oh, yes...just when I thought that we had everything...
Last Sunday evening the boys randomly spiked a fever of 103.  This was strange because it came all of a sudden and with no other symptoms.  On Monday they were fine so they went to daycare.  I picked Carter up and we always use the potty before we go because it's about a 25 minute car ride.  I noticed that he had several red spots on his thigh.  I thought it was his eczema because of the heat.  From daycare to home the spots continued to appear until they pretty much covered his whole entire body.  He has them between his toes and fingers too.  At night he began to itch them uncontrollably and they would bleed.  I took them both in on Tuesday because Landon started to have a few on his chin.  The doctor says that it is Hand Foot and Mouth Disease.  This is what is being passed around right now at daycare.  The time when it is contagious is when the fever is present and then after that they are fine but the spots appear.  She told me to watch for sores in their mouths, to treat the fever with tylenol, and give them benedryl at night to help with the itching. Carter's spots are just now beginning to fade but they are still on him.  Landon just got a few but with this they cancelled his ear surgery for last week and rescheduled it for this Wednesday.

These Boone boys will have the toughest immune system...They will be ready to fight off any virus that comes there way when they get to kindergarten!
He was not too happy about this photo.  If you look closely you can see the spots on his legs and arms.


kimi said…
Miles had a small case of HFM last year. His was all on his face, but it cleared up quick!

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