Our first birthday party!

Last weekend, I was sick.  I had been on a zpack for a sinus infection and then it seemed like it wasn't getting better but worse.  I went back to the doctor and they said that I had finally gotten the full blown flu.  I was running a fever, body chills, and couldn't keep food down.  They gave me a shot and by Sunday I was feeling much better.  On Saturday though, we had been invited to a double birthday party at Jump City.  This is a place with the inflatable jump houses.  I rested enough that I could go because I wanted to see the boys enjoy this place.  Oh my goodness, when we arrived Carter took off running into the first big jumpy thing.  He couldn't get enough of this place.  He climbed from one structure and ran to the next.  Landon was a little too small to climb up the big things that Carter was doing but Bob helped him up and he was all smiles.  I was concerned how they were going to react when they weren't the kids opening the presents but they were fine with it.  Carter was so excited because they had a CARS birthday cake!

 Bob is giving Landon a boost to get him to the top!

 These cool sunglasses were inside the goodie bags. 


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