Earning our Birdwatching Badge!

Over the summer we visited friends in Ohio who had bird feeders in their back yard.  The birds were flying in like crazy to eat and the boys were watching them so intently.  I told myself that we should get a bird feeder but you know I kinda forgot about it.  At work, Donna, the lady I love that I work with, put out a feeder, bird bath, and a suet for the birds to eat and the kids to watch.  It reminded me that I wanted to get one for our house.  My mother in law is an avid bird watcher.  She has several bird feeders in her yard.  She was in town this past week so I mentioned my interest in a bird feeder.  To my surprise she showed up with not only one, but several feeders, seed, and posts.  She was so excited to be a part of this experience with the boys.  Carter helped to dig the hole for the post. They both poured seed into the feeder.  They look for birds everyday.  We have been fortunate to see several.  However the excitement of the boys usually quickly scares them away but it enjoyable.
Grandma Angie explains to the boys that this is bird food, not people food.

Landon helps to hand a feeder.

Look at these outdoors men!

Pouring in the seed. Carter saw peanuts in the seed so now when a bird comes to eat he says, "The birds eating the peanut butter, Mommy"

Helping Grandma Angie carry everything they needed
Diligently watching for birds to come and eat


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