
Showing posts from February, 2012

We love to paint!

The boys love to do projects so I have been searching my favorite site pinterest for ideas.  I found this post about all the different things you can use to paint with.  One we tried this week was loofah sponges.  I found them in the dollar bins at Target.  2 for a $1...what a deal!  The boys loved it.  We then used those painted sheets to cut into shamrock decorations for St. Patty's Day.   Landon decided to paint his face when he was finished. 

Carter's First Trip to the Emergency Room

This winter has kicked our family in the butt with sickness.  Landon has had a double ear infection since early January and has been on four types of antibiotic since January 14th.  Carter just recently got a double ear infection as well.  He is on his second round of antibiotics.  On Wednesday I had to head into work early so I had to get the boys moving in the morning quicker than normal.  Carter slept in until 7:40am.  I had to wake him up and bring him downstairs.  When I put him on the couch with his juice and muffin I noticed that he was shaking.  He said, "Mommy, I sooo cold."  I covered him up with a blanket but he was still shaking.  I rubbed his arms and legs to try and get some heat from friction but he still said he was cold.  His skin was cool to the touch but his head was very warm.  I checked his temperature and it was 101.8.  I didn't think that this was too high but was still unsure of what the real issue was.  I went to get him up and moving around to ge

Creating Learning Opportunities

Recently I have been reading articles about how to be a better parent.  Not that I think that I am terrible but there is always room for improvements.  I was finding that it was pretty consistent with many authors that an important thing to do is create learning opportunities for your children through every day things you do.  Sounds easy enough right?  I decided instead of having the usual pizza and movie night, that we should make the pizza together.  This was a hoot!  The boys don't really even like pizza...I know that sounds crazy but we keep trying because when they grow up they need to like it.  ( I remember dinner in college consisted of $5 pizza from Papa John's shared with roommates=cheap meal!) The boys loved to spread the sauce and pile on the mound of cheese.  Through this process I also noticed how much Bob gets out of shape when the boys have a little more control over the situation than he does.  He was very quick to tell them they were using too much sauce in a

Sending our love

I am a photo freak and I know it and I am okay with it! I am the always looking for the opportunity to create a photo card to send to others.  Bob gets very annoyed by this so I am trying hard to tame it down.  I wanted to paint a heart on the boys butt cheeks but that idea did not fly with Bob.  Next, I wanted to dress them up like little cupids but I couldn't find any wings and the make shift ones I made from poster board were a bust.  I finally settled for simplistic and it was too late to send the photo cards.  Bob won this battle but let it be known that it will not happen again!  Ha Ha Check out these cute boys for Valentine's Day!

Valentine's Day

So today was Valentine's Day!  I was talking with the boys earlier this month when we started to hang up decorations what Valentine's Day meant.  I told them that it was a day full of showing love, hugs, and kisses to our family.  This morning when Carter woke up I said "Happy Valentine's Day!"  He said "I love everyone in my family today all together."  How cute! I found a cute idea from my favorite website...Pinterest for easy Valentines.  It was creating crayons using all the mixed up colors.  This was great the boys got to break crayons and I was happy because it really downsized our plethora of crayons. I always think that I have picked them all up and somehow someone finds one and writes on the floor, mirror, or table.  Anyways, we put the broken crayons in a silicone mold for ice cubes from IKEA and baked them in the oven.  When they cooled they hardened and were so colorful.  Next I let the boys use folded toilet paper rolls into the shape of he

Loving the boys

How quickly they are growing up!  I just got a letter in the mail with an invitation to the preschool Open House.  It is so hard for me to believe that next school year Carter will be headed to preschool.  I have been chatting with other moms with children around the same age about whether they are sending their kids and which preschool and why.  My conclusion is that Carter is hungry for knowledge/  He is asking questions about everything and just talking up a storm.  I want him to continue to be excited about learning new things so I think to not send him to preschool in the fall would just hurt him in the long run.  It is going to be hard watching him grow up but it is what is best for him.  He needs the structure and routine. Last Friday we went to the doctor for Landon's 18 month well check up.  He is growing tall but is just a little peanut weighing 22 lbs.  I was concerned about this but the doctor compared his previous stats and thinks he is fine.  She said he is going to

The Build A Bear Experience

So for Christmas my sister and brother in law gave the boys a gift card to Build A Bear.  If you know me...I am not a fan of stuffed animals at all.  They really are kinda worthless and take up more space than anything.  I voiced my opinion of this when my sister said she was thinking about getting it for them.  She insisted that it wasn't about the toy it was about having the experience and making a family memory.  She always could manipulate my mind to make me agree with her.  I had been waiting for the right time to go and we were not busy two weeks ago so we ventured to the mall.  My mom was in town for the weekend so it was an extra set of hands to help and I know that she wanted to see them do it also.  When we got to the mall I told Bob that I would take them to the play area while he shopped and then we would help to Build A Bear together.  We made it to the play area and there were kids all over the place.  It reminded me of watching ants crawl all over each other on a cru