What a weekend!

Landon loves his Fritz! 
Landon is munching cheeze-its with Laura

Fun times!

Bob and Carter by the lake

Landon is so proud of himself on top of the crab!

Swimming like a fish!

Too cute!

Darren paints Carter's face so they can be "cool guys".

All the kids that Becky watches (minus the tiger on the left...just a stranger who wanted to join our photo)

I love My Becky!

On Friday we had visitors from Ohio.  Matt, Katie, Fritz, and Laura all came up to the house to stay.  We were all so excited from them to come.  We took a trip to Ikea and just spent time hanging out together.  We had a great time.  The boys just love them all! On Sunday we headed to Maumee Bay State Park to stay a night with our friends The Truax family.  The Lodge has an indoor/outdoor pool, playground, hiking trails, a beach, and a playroom for kids.  We had a blast but wished we had more time to spend there with them.  Our waitress at dinner was quite a trip.  When we asked her what she reccommended she turned through every page of the menu and said she reccommended everything.  She then brought us out leftover dill rolls to try from breakfast...needless to say they were a little stale.  It was an eventful dinner.  On Sunday we drove to the Toledo Zoo and met more friends.  Kori, Darren, and Morgan were there.  Becky, Heather, Eva, and Brady all came to the zoo to join us and the Truax family.  The weather for the zoo was great.  The kids play so well together.  It is great watching them all together.  Darren painted Carter's face and Carter let him.  It was so fun!  Both boys fell asleep before we left the zoo parking lot.  They were worn out!


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