The Last Pay!

Well, so it begins.  Today I received the email to tell me that on Friday my last paycheck will be deposited.  Wow! The reality of that is setting in and I am panicking.  Being a stay at home mom for a year sounds like a great opportunity with the boys being so little but I don't think that I am wired that way.  I know that they need interaction with other children and I need interaction with other adults for my sanity.  I have began to search many online job listings to find a job.  The big question is if I find a job then I have to find daycare and will that be worth it?  Nobody can replace my sitter I have had for the last two years--she loves my kids as if they were her own.  On craigslist I have submitted my resume to several infant/toddler teacher positions with hopes of teaching and taking my kids with me.  I have yet to hear from any listings and I am unsure if it is due to my teaching license being in Ohio.  I hesitate to get my license in MI because the amount of money outweighs the amount of time we plan on being here.  Someone mentioned to me that I could sub but the randomness of this position seems like it would be crazy to have to find a daycare last minute whenever I am needed to sub.  Well, sorry to ramble but I am thinking through things out loud.  So bottom line is if I am to be a stay at home mom than those are the cards I will play however if an opportunity presents itself I will jump at it.  Please send me your thoughts and prayers!


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