End of July Early August Activities

Our kids with my college roommates children...quite the clan!

Finger painting on a rainy day

Landon turns 1!

The crew at the zoo!

Bob's niece Tesa driving the gator up north!

We Boone's like to stay busy.  At the end of July we got the chance to head back to Cleveland for a bit because Bob had training for work there.  We stayed with close friends and spent as much time as we could getting together with friends that we miss so much!  We had a pool party for the kids to get together with children from the sitters.  We had dinner dates with several families also.  It was a great time and we are looking forward to heading back very soon.  The following weekend we headed to Defiance area--our college town, for a baby shower of a fellow volleyball teammate.  My friend from Charlotte came home and it was great getting together also.  We stayed with my roommate from college and got a chance to see them and their 3 kids.  It is so crazy how life has changed for all of us since college but you can still pick up the conversation right where we left off.  That next week, I took the boys and my nieces up north to visit grandma Barb and grandpa Boone.  We spent a few days there relaxing in the woods.  The boys loved playing in the sand and dirt outside.  The girls took us on many "gator" rides where the boys laughed as the wind blew through their hair.  The first weekend in August was Relay for Life in the town of Jackson where Bob's plant is located.  He was the team captain so we spent awhile over there.  The company raised money to purchase a playground structure to be donated to the local Salvation Army.  That night however it was on their site for the festivities.  The kids loved it.  It was in the shape of a ship because their theme was "pirates".  Carter keeps saying he wants to go to play on the "ship park".  It doesn't always sound like ship park to me...Last weekend we went home to Bucyrus to celebrate my grandparent's 60th wedding anniversary.  Amazing!  My whole family was in town and we had a great time. 


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