A Day at the Park

Landon is a daddy's boy!

Giving some love to Maw Maw

They loved going down the slide together!

Feeding the ducks saltines!

Carter was so over having his photo taken!

Today we visited several parks in Ann Arbor.  Our favorite was Gallup Park.  We fed ducks and fish.  Carter was so excited to throw in saltines and watch the ducks fight over each piece.  Landon wanted to each his snack instead of tossing it in for the ducks.  When we saw a duck I said to Carter, "What does a duck say?" He said "Quack" and then heistated and said "orange toes". Yep, those ducks do have orange toes.  It is so crazy to me how he comes up with these things.  We walked quite awhile on the trails through the park and Carter ran pretty much the whole way.  He is an active little dude!


Kori said…
So glad your family is back together and you are able to do such fun things and enjoy your time together! We miss you! Glad all is going well! :-)

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