Our first week here

Well we have settled into our new home this week.  We have spent most of the time exploring the town.  We went for a walk down town Chelsea.  My worry is that Carter is at a point right now that he wants to push the limits with everything.  I am afraid to walk with him down town by myself because he will just take of running and not listen to me yelling.  My mom has been visiting this past week and has been a huge help.  She is my extra set of hands and eyes because if you know Carter you know that I need as much help as I can get.  He refuses to hold my hand while crossing the street and when I make him hold my hand he will just sit down and scream (believe me he has done this in the middle of the street...embarrassing). 
We walked to the TreeHouse which is an indoor play place for kids and a coffeshop for parents.  It is totally cool.  It is so clean and the kids love it.  Carter is just a little to tiny to crawl through it by himself so I have to help him get up so he can slide down.  There is a special little place for Landon to play that is just for babies.  You should hear Carter's meltdown when it is time to leave...well, you might be able to if you just listen really hard.  He is always a sweat hog when we leave because he is always on the move.  My mom climbed up with him to the top of the biggest slide and went down with him.  I was waiting at the bottom and when I saw the look on my mom's face I knew that it was fast.  After the Treehouse we went to the library and they have such a cool little play room for kids.  Carter is bummed because they don't have a train table like the library in Ridgeville did.  The night time has been terrible so far.  Neither kid has slept through the night for consecutive nights yet.  That makes the night rough and the next day even harder.  Bob has been great with helping out through the night with Landon while I crawl in bed with Carter to get him back to sleep.  I hope that this changes very soon!  Every Thursday night here in the town of Chelsea they host "Sights and Sounds".  This is where they have several live bands playing at several sites throughout the town.  We walked down on Thursday and they had a juggler for the kids and many clowns that were making balloon creatures.  Goofus the clown made Carter a red hat but wow were we surprised at the final project she created.  It looked like a necklace instead and that was how he wore it.

Change is hard and I am really trying to stay positive and open minded.  I miss all of my friends so very much!  It is hard not knowing anyone and I am not good at small talk so making friends can be difficult.  With hopes of meeting new people Bob and I decided to go to a church.  We attended St. Paul United Church of Christ today.  The boys were fabulous during the sermon.  Everyone was super friendly and nice.  The sermon was a little too old school for me and there were NO other kids there.  There was a very nice lady that watched the boys for the last 10 minutes when they finally got crazy in the nursery.  Next Sunday we will try another church until we find one that we enjoy. 


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