A new chapter in our lives!

The life as we know it has officially changed.  I have wanted to post about this for quite some time but I was freaked out that crazy people would know I was home alone.  In October Bob was presented with an opportunity through his work that we were not expecting. The position would be in Jackson, Michigan at a Eaton plant where he would be the Human Resource Manager.  He thought this might happen when he had completed his masters and had several years experience but...it was an early surprise.  With this opportunity it was going to cause our family to relocate to Michigan.  With this position he could have the chance to relocate again within 20-30 months.  In November he started this job and we put our house up for sale.  We thought as soon as the house sold we would head up and join him.  Well, to make a long story short, I stayed with the boys in North Ridgeville and he would stay in a cabin through the week and come home on the weekends.  This was a very hard time but we made it through it will the help and support of all our friends and family.  I continued to teach through the school year and was granted a year leave of absence from my position with hopes that we return next year.  On Monday of this week, the moving company began to pack our things from our house.  On Thursday we started unpacking here at our new house that we are renting in Chelsea, Michigan.  We are pretty much unpacked and enjoying our new community.  It was so hard to leave everyone we knew and loved in Cleveland to head to a place where we don't know anyone.  I do believe that everything happens for a reason and I often wonder what that reason is.  I am happy to finally be together again as a family.  I have to get used to having a husband again.  I don't know how single parents do it.  Please say a little prayer for our family as we adjust to the changes in our life. 


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