The Second week of vacation-10 weeks old!

The second week of vacation we spent on Silver Lake with my family (mom, dad, Danielle, and Edd). We rented a house on the lake with a pontoon, rowboat, canoe, paddle boat, and swim raft. We had a great time. We went to Sleeping Bear Sand Dunes and Bob wore Carter in the papoose to the top. Carter was loving it and Bob was a sweating maniac. We went to Sutton's Bay which is a little cute town where we walked around little shops and then on the journey home we stopped at about 6 wineries. We even stopped at Madonna's father's winery. I was bummed because they were all trying fun wines and I was just along for the ride. The scenery was beautiful and it was neat to see how different each place was. On Tuesday we had a girls' day at the spa. Mom, Danielle, and I went and had our nails and feet did! That was so fun. The next day Bob, Edd, Danielle, and I rented a boat on the lake and went tubing. This time we were crazy and were throwing each other off the tube. Ouch! We had a blast though. On Thursday night, Danielle and Edd got engaged! Yeah! We were so happy. The ring is beautiful--unlike none I have ever seen! Thursday and Friday it rained but the rest of the week we had great weather. Traverse City is a beautiful place that we had an unbelievable time. Carter was a gem in the car--he did not fuss unless he was hungry and then we would pull over to feed him and then start back on the road. After this vacation I think Bob and I are confident that we can take him pretty much anywhere!


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