8 weeks old (2 Months)
It is so hard to believe that he is 8 weeks old! The time has flown by. It is so fun to watch him exploring new things with his eyes and hands. Just a couple of days ago it seems that he has found his hands and wants to suck on them. I mean he will shove his whole fist in his mouth and suck hard core. This then leads to puddles of drool everywhere but he seems to really enjoy it. He is more alert for longer periods of time during the day. He usually naps for 20-30 minutes 2 times during the day. The rest of the time he is wide awake making noises. He doesn't like to sit still. He would rather be up looking around than sitting. We have been taking him on walks in the evening when the sun isn't out so that he can see what is going on instead of being shielded by the canopy of his carrier. He loves to stare up at what's going on and who is talking. We are still aving some troubles with sleeping at night. He still hates the pack n play and crib. The last 2 nights he has slept from 11;30pm-6am in his swing. I am worried about how this might affect his posture. I hope that in time he can transition easily into his crib and still sleep that soundly. Last night Bob and I went to meet our child care provider. Her name is Becky Dechaudens. She lives about a mile from the school and watches 5 children in her home. Carter will be the youngest one there but I feel so at ease with her. I think it is going to be difficult leaving him to go back to work but it is so nice to know that he will be cared for with love. Speaking of going back to school, Bob and I have decided that it would only be smart to take some time off at the beginning of the school year to spend with Carter. I have quite a few sick days that I have stored up and will be using until October 1st. I will be attending the first 2 teacher work days and Open House to introduce myself to parents and to make sure things run smoothly. However on August 26th when the students arrive I will be at home until October 1st. That is realistically only 26 teaching days. Next week we will be leaving for our family vacation for 2 weeks in Michigan. The first week we are headed up to visit family and friends who have yet to meet Carter and then the second week we are spending in Traverse City, MI with my family in a house we have rented on a lake. We are so excited yet I am nervous about it also. I am worried about how long he will be in his car seat because he gets so hot in there. Also how are we going to pack all of the things we need (pack n play, bath tub, activity mat, etc). I hope that I can enjoy myself without being on edge the whole time. Friday is Bob and I's 5 year anniversary. It is hard to believe that it has been that long. We have shared so many incredible memories together and I look forward to making many more. I love you, Bob! :)
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! You've had an especially fun last two summers!!
Take care,
Mic, Deb and Addison
Happy Anniversary!!!