11 weeks!

The start of this week has been different. On Monday I went to our half day teacher work day. So I had to get up and get myself and Carter ready for the day. I dropped him off at daycare and he was asleep. This made that whole experience a lot easier. When I picked him up at noon she said that he cried when she changed his diaper. This is unusual so of course I was concerned. Then Tuesday we had a full teacher work day and Open House so Bob was going to pick him up from daycare. Tuesday was rough because he cried the whole way to the sitters and when I pulled in her driveway he stopped. I had such a headache going into work because of him crying and just starting to stress out about school. When I got home after school Bob said the sitter said he slept a lot during the day and didn't cry when she changed his diaper. I was so excited to see him when I got home. It was almost as if he had changed since I had dropped him off that morning. On Wednesday we went to the doctor for his 2 month immunizations. I know you are thinking Heidi isn't it late for those shots...Yes. My doctor was on vacation and then we went on vacation so this was the earliest we could get in. He now weighs 13lbs 2oz and is 23 1/2 inches long. She thinks he is looking great and filling out very well. Her concerns were that we spread the feedings out more than every 2 hrs and get him into the crib. Bob met me at the doctor's office because I didn't want to have to hold him down during the shots. When they gave him the shots in his thighs I welled up big time. Bob said that he looked up at him with a look of "Daddy, please stop them, it hurts" He cried very hard for a bit after that but we got him calmed down. When I got home he was extremely fussy. It was a different cry almost a whine. I gave him Tylenol at 2:45pm and he was out by 3. However every time I laid him down he woke up and cried so I spent the afternoon cuddling with him. Wow am I loving being off work! He was back to his normal smiling self when Bob got home from work! He went to sleep last night around 9:45pm and woke up this morning at 8:30am. He was so stinking tired. Today I put him down for his morning nap at 10:20am in his crib. He was talking for bit and then started to cry. I let him cry for 12 minutes and then went in and put his pacifier in and he was out like a light for a full hour. He slept it in his crib! My mission is to get him in his crib before I go back to school.


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