Latest Doctor's Appointment

On Monday we had our first doctor's appointment with our new doctor. We love her! More than we did our previous doctor. She is extremely laid back, helpful, and most importantly is an athlete, which means that she is fine with me exercising. I was nervous because I had quite a list of questions to ask her but she put me at ease and everything went very well. I had forgotten to mention about a little drama I had last week at school. A parent of one of my students called to let me know that their daughter had the 5th disease. This is a virus that affects mostly children and the symptoms are fevers, aching bones, and exhaustion. The weird thing is that you don't realize you have it until you break out in a red rash on your cheeks and by this time you are not contagious anymore. The nurse at the school suggested I call my doctor just to let them know. When I did they told me to come into have blood drawn. So I did--I am terrible with having my blood drawn. In years past I tend to pass out during this process so I always tell the nurse to just lay me down and then take the blood. They laugh but it is much better this way. I know you are all thinking that I am in for a big surprise during the whole labor thing--that I am coming to terms with and with fight that beast when I need to. Anyways the results came back from the blood test and they were negative. However this disease is like chicken pox once you have it you can't get it again. I have never had it so I have to have another blood test in 2 weeks just to make sure that I haven't gotten it yet. Back to the doctor appointment...she measured the belly and said that it is average size and the baby is doing very well. She did not think that he would be arriving early. From here on out we will be having weekly doctor's appointments to check the progress. On Saturday it will be exactly one month from the due date! I can't stinkin believe it! This past weekend I spent some time researching what exactly would be important to pack in the hospital bag. One of the things that they stressed was a nightgown. I sleep in t-shirts and pj pants so I have to go out and get one of those and some slippers! If you have already had a child and have any suggestions as to what is important to have with you at the hospital please post as a comment so I can add to the list. I created a phone tree for Bob to start the chain going once the process gets underway so keep your cell phones handy. Today at school, I was in the middle of teaching science when the 5-6 students sitting in front dropped their jaws and their eyes bulged out of their heads. He moved and my belly shifted. They were so amazed by this that instantly my belly became a crystal ball and everyone wanted their hand on it. The kids could swear they were touching the head, hands, and feet. They have been too cute during this process.


Amanda said…
Just happened to think of you today and "checked in." The thing I didn't realize I needed at the hospital was the boppy. This is only if you're breastfeeding. And if you are and haven't got a boppy yet, I highly recommend you buy one! Makes positioning so much easier!

Good luck to you! You'll never forget the experience.

Amanda Sesslar
(i.e. Bob's ex-coworker) :)
micnauman said…
Hey baby mama! So glad you are updating regularly, we were craving an update on the little bambino. Let's see, bring treats for Bob. I was in labor for 21 hours and Deb got hungry and didn't want to leave me. My parents ended up bringing her food. I ended up just wearing the hospital gown for the 4 days I was in the hospital. With a c section, it was just easier and they have these nifty openings if you plan to nurse which makes it super easy. I did bring a robe and that was nice to keep my arse from flashing everyone. Slippers were very good, you may be slow moving for a little bit. Bob should be in comfy clothes for sure! Hospitals are FREEZING so bring a sweatshirt for him. For sure......DIGITAL CAMERA and USB cord. There are going to be lots of people, like us, checking your blog daily in anticipation of baby boone pics!!! This was Deb's job while I was konked out from the narcotics. :-)
Yay, I'm so excited for you! It is the most amazing experience in the world. Love, Mic, Deb and Addison

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