Bucyrus Baby Shower

Bob was in South Carolina for Scott Bellamy's wedding from Tuesday until Sunday. My doctor did not feel it would be in my best interest to travel at this time. I was bummed because it would have been so much fun to see the sun. Instead I drove down to Bucyrus and we had a baby shower. It was great! It was set up like a graduation party, open house, come and leave when you want. That was so neat because people kept arriving all throughout the day. We had soups and salad and quite a variety of desserts. It was so great to see everyone who came. The best surprise was that my very dear friend from whom I have known since elementary school, drove up with his wife to surprise me. I was so shocked! I cried because I was so happy to see them and it meant so much that they drove all that way! Thanks again, Corey and Melissa!


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