Our trip to North Carolina

(T and I bowling-She has a bowling ball under her shirt but not me)

A week ago Bob and I took at road trip down to visit our friends who live in Charlotte, North Carolina. The Grieser's!!(Eric and T) It was so much fun! We stayed with them in their new house! It is beautiful! While visiting we went bowling, watched a movie, and did some shopping! It is always great to see T! What a great BFF! We hope to be able to visit them again. However, next time we will have another person along for the ride!


micnauman said…
Oh oh oh CUTE baby belly!! I was wondering when we were going to catch another glimpse of it! I bet you are counting down the days until you can meet the little man. We sure wish we weren't so far away so we could see the belly in person! We'll settle for pics though! :-)

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