Our Trip to Babies R Us!

Yesterday Bob and I ventured to Babies R Us to create our registry for the baby! I have felt very overwhelmed by this idea for quite some time. With a wedding registry to kind of take inventory of what each of you already have and then only register for what you "need". However with a baby...you don't stinkin have anything and you must start from scratch. I have so many checklists of what we need to register for that I have created a binder to organize all of my baby stuff. I know that is the anal dork coming out but I tell you what it helps to keep me slightly sane. Anyways we get to the store and we are so excited because it's going to be so fun. Bob has the scanner and I have the checklists to make sure we get it all. We started at the breast pumps section-big mistake. We decided that there was no way that we could register for nipple cream or breast pads-too personal. So we then went to the first aid/grooming section. I think we stood there for a good 10-15 minutes comparing nail clippers, nasal puffer things, and thermometers. Which is hysterical because we don't even know the difference between what is good and what is better. This became a ritual-the staring and comparing with each item before we scanned. After the first 3 aisles and 45 minutes later we were cracking up because of our ritual we had created. After all the small stuff we went to the big things: strollers, pack n' play, carseats, swings, etc. When we were in New York City for Christmas we found the pattern we liked. However, we found out that it had been discontinued-oh my! So we then chose another. After 2 hours we were exhausted and ready to go! If you are a mother or know of someone who is, please check out our registry and give me feedback as to what we missed, what we should take off, and if it's too outrageous!


meg_NC said…
oh i can just see you and bob with nail clippers in your hands in deep conversation about which one is better than the other.....and then cracking up at yourselves. haha! i love seeing the pics of the crib and dresser! your little man will be in that crib before we know it! can't wait to rub your belly in a few weeks :)
micnauman said…
Okay you asked for it so here goes, these are the things we've learned over the past 5 months with our little weezil:
No baby powder- apparently they can inhale it so we donated ours to church, somone out there must need it!
We use very little lotions and recommend eucerin- Addie has sensitive skin and before buying all the smelly ones, I'd just start out with this basic one recommended by pediatricians
Wipe warmer – Addie's little butt has survived cold wipes and you'll find quickly that there just isn't enough room for everything
Onesies, onesies, onesies- this is one thing we didn't have enough of and wished we would have registered for various sizes because they jump from one size to the next soooo fast. Gerber ones run small but the Carter's ones seem to last longer
Diapers- register for these bad boys!! You'll need plenty!
Wipes- see above regarding diapers
Triple paste butt stuff- this stuff works like magic and isn't as stinky smelling as desitin
Boppy- this is super helpful when nursing and later on when propping the little one up as he learns to sit up
Bumbo chair- love, love, love this when he can hold his little noggin up
Play yard for the floor- Addie loves this and spends lots of time on her belly and her back on this, she's now grabbing at the dangling toys above her and trying to pull them in her mouth
Mam pacifiers- we tried Avent and Nuk brand and she loved these. After doing an inventory at daycare this morning, it seems most babies like this brand.
Infant sleep positioner- everyone has a different opinion on this and we were told no by our pediatrician so we returned it
Cloth diapers- to use for birp rags
Thin washcloths- for getting in the creases
Butt thermometer- digital, every time you call the dr. when the little man is sick, they'll ask you what his rectal temp was, just prepare yourself now that you'll be getting up close and personal with his little bum if you suspect a fever and it also helps to un-constipate him :-)

Crib bedding- we wish we would have just bought the sheets, bedskirt and a breathable bumper, the quilt and bumper are in a Ziploc bag because you’re not supposed to put anything in the bed
Rainforest entertainer- for in the crib. Addie loves hers!! It has neat sounds and music to soothe her to sleep.
Okay so I don't know everything but I have learned a lot from the little 16 pounder in our house. :-)Take this advice and use it where you see fit. :-)

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