The Ultrasound-the most amazing thing in the world!

On Friday we had our ultrasound. The appointment's scheduled time was 3:45 however do to delays beyond our control we started at 4:55. Mind you I had to drink a lot of water beforehand and with the extension of waiting--I really had to go to the bathroom. The technician we had was great. She was our age and very sweet. She said the she would measure my anatomy and then I could go to the bathroom and then we would look at the baby. Thanks to that because I am not sure I could have focused with having to pee so bad. Once the bladder was empty we were able to see the baby. OMG-the first image we saw on the screen was 2 feet with 10 ten toes-we both gasped. It only got better. We then saw the hand and legs moving all around. She showed us the brain and the heart. We heard the heartbeat and also watched the blood flow through the chambers. Bob admitted crying a "man tear". She next made the image 4D of the baby--we thought the baby looked a tad bit like an alien. The technician said this was normal. It was so crazy to see this baby that is inside of my belly. It was so surreal. I asked the technician when Bob would be able to feel the baby move because I have been feeling it for about 2 weeks. She mentioned maybe 4-5 weeks from now. On Saturday morning I placed my hand on my belly and I could feel it. I woke up Bob and placed his hand on the belly and the baby kicked. That was so great because I have been wanting to share that with him since the first time I felt it. I bet you are wondering--Did we find out the sex of the baby? We had the technician find out and she took at picture of the image, wrote it's a baby ____, and sealed in up in an envelope. Bob wanted to find out that night but I put it in a secret hiding place to save until Valentine's Day. I hope that we can hold out until then! Tomorrow is 20 weeks! Halfway!


Anonymous said…
I love reading your accounts, they bring back so many memories.I remember leg cramps what a pain but worth it in the long run. Heidi everytime I read your blogs it makes me miss you at south street, you are so funny and I was so happy when I found out you were pregant and by reading the blog I fill like I can experience it with you and Bob. Wait until the baby gets bigger and kicks it is amazing. Well I could go on and on, I will be waiting to here from you. Miss you so much. Darla
micnauman said…
Yay for ultrasound pics!!! Isn't it amazing that the little weezil is in your tummy. Deb about fainted the first time she felt Addie kick. She used to kick at 10pm and 5 am every day and we got used to laying in bed and waiting for her to move about! I miss the days of being prego!! Your blog is major flashbacks for me!! We are so excited to meet Baby Boone!
Amanda said…
Heidi, you don't know me, but I used to work with Bob at Eaton. He told me about your blogspot and says you like when people post a comment. I agree with Darla - your accounts bring back memories; I have a 3 year old and a one year old. I found out that I was having my a boy with my son, but my girl we kept a surprise. Both ways were exciting and memorable. Good luck to you, Bob and Baby Boone. Babies are little miracles and no matter how cliche this sounds- they really do change everything.
Amanda said…
Oh... and just wait until you feel the hiccups. That was my favorite part about being pregnant. :)
Lee Ann said…
How amazing!!!! I am so happy for you and Bob!!
meg_NC said…
holy cow i love it! i just read and have a big smile on my face! i wish i lived close because i would be comin over to feel your kicks in your belly too!!! :) the ultrasound pics are just amazing - YOUR little baby boone in your belly - aaahhhhhh!!!!!! so excited and can't wait to hear the big boy/girl news on v-day. i know you guys can hold out....right, bob? love and miss you guys!!!!
ML said…
Great pics!! So glad to hear about the "man tears". We had plenty of those as well. Makes me miss the baby belly. Well, okay I still have mine 3 yrs. later~ but we won't talk about that.
The baby definitely has your hands and feet~ Heidi (if the face goes to Bob).


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