Here's to A Great Year!

Wow! The holidays sure flew by. Here is our holiday break in a nutshell: This is the first year Bob has had a holiday break with me. On the 21st I drove down to my parents house to help with shopping and all the loose ends. Bob started driving down to Bucyrus on the 23rd however the weather was so bad that he spent the night in a hotel in Sandusky. Christmas Eve was at Grandma and Grandpa Grocho's and we had a blast. We spent the night at my parents sleeping under the Christmas tree. On Christmas morning we opened gifts and sang Happy Birthday to my dad! 54 years old! That afternoon we had Christmas lunch with my mom's side and then took off to come home. Bob's mom and sister were here at our house for Christmas dinner! Bob made us a fabulous meal. The next afternoon, Bob and I started our rode trip to New York City. We made it to somewhere in Pennsylvania where we stayed in a hotel-that was a unique experience. We got up the next morning and finished driving into the city. The traffic was crazy and was so glad when we had parked. Our hotel was 2 blocks from Times Square. We spent the next 3 days walking through the city. We went to Central Park, Times Square, Battery Park, and all along the coastline of Manhattan. The weather was perfect: between 46 and sunny to 64 degrees with just a breeze off the water. While we were there we saw The Little Mermaid on Broadway. That was really cool--the actors wore "Heelies" to portray them swimming. The next day we drove to see Bob's stepsister, Stephanie, who lives in Connecticut. It was great to see her! She shared the news with us that she is also pregnant. Her due date is my birthday-July 5th! We wish her the best! We made it home for New Year's Eve where we had a few of our friends over to help ring in the new year. I stayed up until after 4am-can you believe it!! Bob and I have been dreading going back to work. We have spent everyday with each other, thankfully for his time off from work. Today was our next doctor's appointment. Just a quick check-up-she said all is well and we heard the heartbeat once again. Our ultrasound is scheduled for Friday! Over the break, my friend shared a must read book with me-Belly Laughs by Jenny McCarthy. This book cracked me up--if you are pregnant, have been pregnant, or know someone who is pregnant-you would get a kick out of this book. I hope that you enjoyed your holidays with family and friends. Here's to a great new year!


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