Baby Update!

The most frequently asked question is...Have you opened the envelope yet? The answer is not yet! We are troopers I tell you. I almost gave in this past weekend. Bob threw his back out early Thursday morning and has been in pain ever since. So Saturday he spent the day laying on the floor like a wood plank while I cleaned-so I thought I needed a little excitement. I said to Bob let's just open it today. Guess what he said-nope! Too funny! Valentine's Day is quickly approaching and I am getting excited. This past weekend Ben and Kathy (my mom and dad) came up to help us move the furniture out of the spare bedroom so we can get started preparing for the baby. We also ordered the crib and dresser! They arrive at the end of February! About a week after we had the ultrasound my doctor called and said she wanted to speak with me about concerns she saw. I was literally freaking out! I talked with the nurse and she said from the ultrasound there was an increase of amneotic fluid and a blurred image of the stomach. I was asking 100 questions-she stated that there was no need to get worried quite yet but to schedule another ultrasound at the hosiptal with a doctor instead of technician. So of course I came home and read and researched anything I could find on increased amenotic fluid. Don't ever do that beacuse you may think that knowing what is wrong would ease your mind but it really does the opposite. Yesterday Bob and I headed to the hospital to have the ultrasound and when we arrived there was quite a bit of paperwork to fill out. At the back of the paperwork was the results from the 1st ultrasound and it stated increased fluid, small stomach, small bladder. At that very moment I almost broke down into tears because the nurse never told me that. She said the image was blurred. So Bob and I were on pins and needles until we were called back into the room. While we were there the doctor was great! He explained many images and talked about how he could rule out many birth defects. Then it came to the stomach and bladder he showed us the image and said that is normal size. We asked why then were we there and he said, sometimes when the ultrasound takes place the baby has just peed making the stomach and bladder empty appearing small and the fluid increases due to the urine. AHHHHHH! Bob and I just held hands tightly and life was good. The way we look at it is that this was God's way of giving us the opportunity to see our little one again at more developed stage. God works in mysterious ways I tell you. Back to the ultrasound, the doctor showed us the 4D images of the face and we agree that the baby looks a little like Bob. While we were watching the baby was swallowing and that was so crazy. Sorry, I didn't talk about this until afterward but I was so worried that there was something seriously wrong that we would have to deal with. Our next doctors appointment is on Monday just for a check up.


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