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Thanks to all who have stopped by to check out the blog. It is great to hear that you enjoy it but you know what would be even better...if you became a blog follower so you could comment and let me know what you think. If you don't know how to do this, on the left side of the blog you will see "follow this blog". Click on this-then follow me publicly and leave comments frequently. Now on to bigger things. I must comment on the newest joy of pregnancy. The past 2 weeks I've been awoken early morning in the tightest leg cramp of all time. I will flop around in bed like a wet fish out of water rubbing the knot in my calf. Bob wakes up from a dead sleep and is so confused as to what is happening--poor guy. When this first started happening I went out the next day and bought a bunch of bananas. I have been eating bananas like a monkey to make sure that I am getting enough potassium. Bob suggested I should drink more water so now I should just carry a bedpan with me at all times because I constantly have to go. From those whom I have spoken with about the leg cramps it seems to be normal.


Beth said…
Okay, the leg cramp thing was insane! It was like deja vu reading your posting. Good luck with the bananas but nothing seemed to help. I love reading your post so keep up the good work. Sorry we missed you when we were in ohio over the holidays. Can't wait until you cave and let us all know what baby boone will be....i'm voting he's a boy!
ML said…
Leg cramps are crazy!! I used to flex my foot and they would go away. Don't know if it'll help???????

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