Quick trip to Michigan

In the midst of the crazy fall sports, we found one weekend that was open and a home Michigan football game for the boys to attend.  We lucked out and the Lokers joined us.  We tailgated on the golf course before the game and then walked in for the game. 

Lots of football was being played on the course while we tailgated. 

These two are so fun to watch their relationship grow and change.  For a while it was tough for Abby because she was the only girl in the midst of boys but know that she is a teenager she connects with Carter.  They are often together without saying much but that's normal for teenagers. 

Our whole crew in the nosebleeds but loving every minute of it. 

After the game we made time to stop over to our favorite fall farm.  It was their opening weekend.  

That evening was Bill and Laura's wedding anniversary so we joined them for a delicious dinner at The Grateful Crow in Chelsea and it was amazing. 
What a jam-packed fun weekend it was!


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